Additional resources
Scholarship, Publications, and News
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues: "Ethically Impossible" STD Research in Guatemala
NY Times: "Patients Gaining More Say in Surgery"
Seattle Times: "Judge: 14-year-old Jehovah's Witness can refuse blood transfusion"
NY Times: "Awash in Information, Patients Face a Lonely, Uncertain Road"
NY Times: "Conversations Between Doctor and Patient"
Websites (some with activist bent)
HHS: "Health Information Privacy"
Essex Autonomy Project
BBC: "Inside the Ethics Committee: Mentally Ill and Refusing Treatment"
Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues: "Ethically Impossible" STD Research in Guatemala
NY Times: "Patients Gaining More Say in Surgery"
Seattle Times: "Judge: 14-year-old Jehovah's Witness can refuse blood transfusion"
NY Times: "Awash in Information, Patients Face a Lonely, Uncertain Road"
NY Times: "Conversations Between Doctor and Patient"
Websites (some with activist bent)
HHS: "Health Information Privacy"
Essex Autonomy Project
BBC: "Inside the Ethics Committee: Mentally Ill and Refusing Treatment"